Eat Healthy Foods

Eat a variety of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, meat, eggs, legumes and dairy products. Eat fewer foods and drink fewer beverages with high amounts of sugar, like candy, cookies and soda pop. For snacks, choose foods low in sugar, such as fruits, vegetables and unsweetened yogurt. Eating small amounts of healthy food throughout the day can help fight nausea. Drink plenty of water and milk. Water that is fluoridated is especially beneficial. To reduce the risk of birth defects, get 600 micrograms of folic acid each day throughout your pregnancy from a supplement and foods high in folic acid (i.e. broccoli, oranges, legumes and fortified grains).


ADA: Good nutrition during pregnancy protects your dental health (and your baby’s)

Tips for good oral health during pregnancy English (PDF)  | Spanish (PDF)