Perinatal mental health resources for providers

Click on the icons for the full list of resources under each category.

Print materials and handouts


This document is a list of mental health tools during pregnancy and after birth in Spanish, as described by the acronym BAILANDO: Bromear, Apoyo, Informacion, Levantese, Alimentar, Naturaleza, Dormir, Observacion. 

Lifeline for Moms resources for providers 

UMass Chan Medical School’s web page offers a variety of free mental health tools and resources for perinatal, childbirth, and pediatric care professionals, such as toolkits, handouts, webinars, and articles.

Maternal mental health awareness materials

Maternal mental health awareness posters in English and Spanish for symptoms of depression and anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum. The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline is listed.

Maternal Resource Guide one-pager in English

The Maternal Resource Guide is an online guide that features over 900 free or low cost resources across Utah. Resources have been vetted for the following:

– Free, low-cost, or accepts Medicaid.

– Spanish translation capabilities or Spanish-speaking staff.

– Do not require citizenship documentation to receive services or resources.

Maternal Resource Guide one-pager in Spanish

The Maternal Resource Guide  is an online guide that features over 900 free or low cost resources across Utah. Resources have been vetted for the following:

– Free, low-cost or accepts Medicaid.

– Spanish translation capabilities or Spanish-speaking staff.

– Do not require citizenship documentation to receive services or resources.

Moms’ Mental Health Matters print materials

Moms’ Mental Health Matters print materials for depression and anxiety during pregnancy and after birth, details how to learn the signs and ask for help. Posters, tear cards, and conversation-starter postcards are available in English and Spanish.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

Promotional materials include posters, magents, and wallet cards and are free to order in limited quantities. 

Postpartum Support International mothers and fathers awareness poster

Maternal mental health awareness posters in English and Spanish for experience with depression and anxiety in both mothers during pregnancy and postpartum and fathers after birth. The PSI Support Helpline is listed.


This document is a list of mental health tools during pregnancy and after birth, as described by the acronym SUNSHINE: Sleep, Understand, Nutrition, Support, Humor, Information, Nurture, Exercise. SUNSHINE is also available in Chuckeese, Marshallese, Samoan, and Tongan

Supporting fathers’ mental health

Supporting fathers’ mental health leads to better health outcomes and well-being of their children. Health professionals should screen for paternal depression and connect fathers with resources during pregnancy.

Education and training resources

Addressing Perinatal Mental Health Conditions in Obstetric Settings eModule

This free online course offered by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists provides information and resources that will help obstetric care clinicians detect, assess, treat, monitor, and follow up with patients experiencing perinatal mental health conditions. 2 credits of continuing education are available.

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

– Describe the patient care pathway to follow when addressing perinatal mental health conditions.

– Determine how to screen and evaluate illness severity, including how to assess intrusive thoughts and the risk of patient harming themself or their infant.

– Recognize the risks of untreated perinatal mental health conditions and how to provide evidence-based treatment.

– Learn how to select, initiate, and adjust treatment as needed based on patient response.

AIM e-Modules

Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice Implementation Guide

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Lifeline for Moms video series provide an overview of resources developed to build clinician capacity to integrate mental health care into obstetric practice, as well as the necessary steps, goals, responsibilities, and benchmarks for sustained implementation.

Postpartum Support International perinatal mental health webinar series

Free Postpartum Support International webinar series on perinatal mental health with an opportunity to earn CE credits. The video topics include:

– Slaying the Monstrous Misconceptions about Postpartum Psychosis: A Roundtable Discussion.

– Perinatal Mental Health: Culturally Informed Approaches to Screening, Assessment And Treatment.

– Closing the Gap: Presidents of Three Major Health Organizations Prioritize Perinatal Mental Health.

Utah Department of Health and Human Services resources


This document is a list of mental health tools during pregnancy and after birth in Spanish, as described by the acronym BAILANDO: Bromear, Apoyo, Informacion, Levantese, Alimentar, Naturaleza, Dormir, Observacion. 

Maternal Resource Guide in English

The Maternal Resource Guide is an online guide that features over 900 free or low cost resources across Utah. Resources have been vetted for the following:

– Free, low-cost, or accepts Medicaid.

– Spanish translation capabilities or Spanish-speaking staff.

– Do not require citizenship documentation to receive services or resources.

Maternal Resource Guide in Spanish

The Maternal Resource Guide  is an online guide that features over 900 free or low cost resources across Utah. Resources have been vetted for the following:

– Free, low-cost or accepts Medicaid.

– Spanish translation capabilities or Spanish-speaking staff.

– Do not require citizenship documentation to receive services or resources.


This document is a list of mental health tools during pregnancy and after birth, as described by the acronym SUNSHINE: Sleep, Understand, Nutrition, Support, Humor, Information, Nurture, Exercise. SUNSHINE is also available in Chuckeese, Marshallese, Samoan, and Tongan

UWNQC Maternal Mental Health Toolkit and training videos

The Utah Women and Newborn’s Quality Collaborative Maternal Mental Health committee has developed a provider toolkit offering essential information on identifying and treating perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Training videos on screening for maternal mental health, interpreting scores, resources for both patients and doctors, and information on comorbidities are available.

National resources

AIM E-Modules

Lifeline for Moms smartphone app

Lifeline4Moms is a provider-facing app to provide decision-support to obstetric providers as they address maternal mental health needs of their perinatal patients. The app has 5 distinct sections that include screening, assessment, treatment, medication, and risks and benefits of medications. The app does not provide individualized medical recommendations but presents evidence-based guidelines that specifically address the mental health needs of perinatal women.

Lifeline for Moms resources for providers 

UMass Chan Medical School’s web page offers a variety of free mental health tools and resources for perinatal, childbirth, and pediatric care professionals, such as toolkits, handouts, webinars, and articles.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262) 

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The hotline offers callers:

-Phone or text access to professional counselors

-Real-time support and information

-Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


-Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups

-Culturally sensitive support

-Counselors who speak English and Spanish

-Interpreter services in 60 languages

Perinatal Psychiatric Consult Line

Request for Consultation Form 1-877-499-4773

The Postpartum Support International perinatal psychiatric consultation line is available for medical professionals who are prescribers and have questions about the mental health care related to pregnant and postpartum patients and preconception planning. This consultation service is staffed by experts in the field of psychiatry who are members of Postpartum Support International and specialists in the treatment of perinatal mental health disorders. The service is free and available by appointment.